2019 Memory and Movement, Galeri Joseph, Paris, France
2018 Color Forest, Fondazione Luciana Matalon, Milan, Italy
- Informazione
- Virgilio
- Rivista Segno
- Exibart
- Arredativo
- Eventbu
- Wherevent
- Hypnoweb
- ArtRabbit
- WikiEventi
- Mentelocale
- Milano Today
2016 Everglow, Museum, Jan van der Togt, Amstelveen, NL
2015 The Innocents, Menier Gallery, London, UK
2014 The Fifth Element, Galerie Joseph, Paris, France
2013 All the World Inside, Palazzo Italia, Berlin, Germany
2013 Nell'acqua Capisco, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
2012 Free Falling, Ateneo of Venice, Venice, Italy
- Lea Mattarella - English / italiano
- Eleonora Caracciolo
2012 Coeur Libre, Pantheon Town Hall, Paris, France
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